The H.E. Erwin Walther - Foundation's founding act was signed by the benefators on Dec. 27, 2024. The accreditation as the actual "birth" of the Foundation is applied for at the supervising authority, i.e. the Regierung der Oberpfalz in Regensburg. Parallel to the accreditation the qualification of the Foundation as charitable entity will be applied for at the appropriate fiscal authority.
The mission of the Foundation is the enduring promotion of the rememberance and the enhancement of the public awareness of the composer H.E. Erwin Walther, and will be realised especially by
executing and promoting public performances of H.E. Erwin Walther's compositions, preferably togehter with compositions of other - also contemporary - composers,
promoting and distributing H.E. Erwin Walther's oeuvre in public broadcasting and other publicly available media,
granting of mandates for compositions to composers, in which they deal with H.E. Erwin Walther's oevre, as well as performing these compositions,
initialising and possibly funding research assignments and academic editing regarding the life and work of H.E. Erwin Walther, incl. digitalizing his compositions,
promoting composers and musicians who follow new and experimental tracks of musical documentation and facilitation and thereby act according to H.E. Erwin Walther's own unconventional ways.
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